12 March 2011

Pictures 3/6 - 3/12

This week's pictures are here.

I had planned to make it to both Jerash and Ajloun; but the weather was nasty yesterday, and so I only made it to Jerash today for a lovely little outing.

More details to follow.


  1. Wow - very extensive! How much is rebuilt and how much was left standing after all that raiding for later buildings? I always wonder. Spring flowers! We had snow 2 days ago here in Ohio. Thanks for all the pictures.
    Mary's Mom

  2. Mary's Mom, :-)
    Jerash was in various stages of preservation depending on the era....For example, although there was an earthquake that destroyed parts of the town in some early AD century, Artemis' temple remained relatively unscathed. However, by the Byzantine period, it was being used as a kiln and continued to be used as one through the Umayyeds. It would've been cool to live there then: a stone city, but some of it in ruins.
