02 February 2011

Political update

In orientation today, we were carefully instructed to let our parents, family, friends, and random US acquaintances to know: we are safe. Jordan is not undergoing revolution. US media sometimes like to scare people in order to get more viewers and promote their own agendas. In the director's opinion, no, Jordan is not next n the list of countries most likely to undergo a violent and bloody revolution following the French or Russian examples of the three previous centuries.

In short, there is a new Prime Minister, but this in not an unexpected or irregular occurrence: in fact, he is, I believe, the 9th new PM in 11 years. There certainly are multiple political issues at the table, but on these, you can easily find and appraise the facts as well as I can - indeed, with regular internet access, probably better than I can. However, rest assured the streets are quiet at the moment.

1 comment:

  1. hi bethany! i am following your blog and living vicariously through someone who is lucky enough to go abroad! glad you are safe.

