20 February 2011

Jordan Cultural Awareness

Jordanians do not walk much outside. If you are walking along a street, a taxi driver will come along and honk at you to alert you to his services: after all, there is no way that any person can actually walk somewhere without the assistance of a taxi. And even if you could walk, why would you?

Furthermore, Jordanians definitely do no walk outside in the pouring rain. And they most certainly do not do so without an umbrella.

Even if some catastrophic alignment of the stars caused some Jordanian to walk down a street without an umbrella on some rainy evening, defying every solicitous honk of kind cab drivers, that Jordanian would not be singing lieder, opera, and then medieval English folk songs while trying awkwardly to dance with a heavy bookbag on her back.

This might be why the Gendarmes were staring at me. If I get arrested or committed to an asylum over here, I might be the first American to use a legal appeal based on Singin’ in the Rain.

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