05 May 2011

Heffla-lumps and woozles

One of the great things about learning a new language is how often normal words in that language sound like other words in your own language. This often causes me private hilarity.

For example: "Tux" means "weather". "Be-yoot" isn't an Australian way of saying that's a beyoot one, mate, it means "houses." "Biddy" doesn't refer to an old hen here, it means "I want." And "fish" may sound a lot like something that lives in the sea, but really it's a way of making a negation. Oh, and "Elvis" may be a singer in the states, but the Jordanian pronunciation of it means "I wear."

All that to say, really, that today in class we had a "heffla." This does not mean that we caught the oft-fabled never seen woozle, it only means we had a party. Though, to think about it, catching the heffla-lump would be cause for celebration.

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